
Inspiration & Board

Pencil Tuesday, September 27, 2011 clock at 10:24 PM

For the last few weeks, I've been floating around the web checking out as many room designs as I can to get an idea of what it takes to create the room that I'm dreaming of as well as inspiration. I've found tons of stuff that I feel should be shared since they're just to amazing to keep to myself. Some I wish I could work into my final room design, but then it'd turn into one crazy mess. Anyways, off to show and tell!

Adrianchristian - Rosette Ottoman
I really love this piece! It looks like a delicious wedding cake doesn't it?! Plus she has a wide selection of solid colors so it can fit any decor color scheme (for the wall art, but I'm sure if you send her an email she can work something out for the ottoman). She even has matching wall art too!

Matching Decorative Wall Art

Brocade Home - Laser Cut Rug
I really thought this was very cool idea. You can probably do a DIY version of it using something like a floor mat or so like a sisal rug for those of you creative souls out there.


The inspiration of my room came from a headboard I saw by the Swedish designer Myrica Bergqvist. Her website is filled with tons of cool and sleek designs that are also whimsical. I love it! The particular headboard design that inspired me was the Sir Elton headboard pictured below. 

Sir Elton Headboard in White
I knew I had to have that frame no matter what. Unfortunately, being a poor college student, not only could not afford it, but I don't think her designs are available in the US yet and buying it from online and getting it shipped was out of the question. Don't worry though, there's an upcoming tut on how to get that headboard on your hands DIY style for about $80 stay tuned in the future. Well, once I had my bed, I felt like everything else fell into place since my bed was my focal point and I want everything in my room to fit in with the design. I'll admit, I was having trouble in color schemes and such but finally decided on my wall colors to be two shades of gray with a zebra pattern on the lower half (I have chair rail moldings). I then ran into this bedroom design by WakeUpFrankie and my inspiration prayers were answered. 

This room was pretty much was I was going for in decor. I wanted a clean palate. My furniture is all white and my walls will soon be a very light neutral gray. I wanted vintage vibe that has been updated, but I also want lots and lots of bright happy colors. I love colors and can't let them go so I had to find a way to incorporate it into my room. I'm working on my mood board at the moment so expect one soon!

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